Neutral Tones, Thomas Hardy Poem Analysis/Annotations
Neutral Tones, Thomas Hardy I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS We stood by a pond that winter day,And the sun was white, as though…
Neutral Tones, Thomas Hardy I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS We stood by a pond that winter day,And the sun was white, as though…
A Complaint, William Wordsworth I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS There is a change—and I am poor;Your love hath been, nor long ago,A fountain…
She Walks in Beauty, Lord Byron I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless climes and starry skies;And…
A Child to his Sick Grandfather, Joanna Baillie I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS Grand-dad, they say you’re old and frail,Your stocked legs begin…
La Belle Dame sans Merci, Jon Keats I MORE POETRY ANALYSIS FULL POEM - SCROLL DOWN FOR LINE-BY-LINE ANALYSIS O what can ail thee, knight-at-arms, Alone and palely loitering?The sedge has withered…